We strive to increase awareness about the importance of the child’s need and right to play under Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
As champions for play, Play Aotearoa must be able to actively contribute to discussions around play across Aotearoa, New Zealand, at local and central government levels and with partner organisations in the sector.
Play Aotearoa is a member of the International Play Association (IPA). This international non-governmental organisation was founded in 1961 to protect, preserve and promote children’s right to play as a fundamental human right.
When people in power understand the rights and needs of children, lives are transformed.
Despite overwhelming research on the importance of play, schools and cities continue to overlook its value. As a leading expert on play in Aotearoa, we voice and promote the importance of play and the child’s right to play.
Part of our work is collaborating with whanau, community and other organisations prioritising children’s play. We also encourage our elected officials to collaborate in this way when discussing policies or legislation that affect a child’s right to play.
By Moana Wereta and Jessica Worchel In acknowledgement of Grandparent’s week (27 October to 1 November 2022), Play Aotearoa would like to share pūrākau (story) and whakataukī (proverbs) that demonstrate the powerful connection between mokopuna (grandchildren) and tūpuna as it relates to te ao Māori (Māori worldview) (1).
Jj woke from the loudness of the day. The manu (birds) were singing their waiata (songs), and the rays of Tama-nui-te-rā were shining bright through the window.
As Tama-nui-te-Rā (personification of the sun) moves away from the whare (house) of Hine Takurua (personification of winter) and closer to Hine Raumati (personification of summer), we move into kōanga (spring).
The two kunekune pigs, Pedro and Piggles, were stranded. Their whare (home) was slowly being surrounded by a lake that was emerging with the weeks of heavy rain that had been battering Aotearoa.
— Kuranga
We deliver workshops, educational courses and innovative programmes to share our expert knowledge to support those who wish to learn and grow in the play sector.
— Hanga
We promote the need for outstanding practice at all levels of decision-making and encourage ethical behaviour and inclusions where children and play are involved.
— Kaupapa Here & Hurahura
We showcase the value of play through research and development of new information and best practices to enhance play for all tamariki and rangatahi throughout Aotearoa.