
Tākaro with Hine Takurua

By Moana Wereta In te ao Māori (Māori worldview), various atua personify and represent aspects of our natural and supernatural world.


Play Aotearoa

Aug 15, 2022

3 min read

By Moana Wereta

In te ao Māori (Māori worldview), various atua personify and represent aspects of our natural and supernatural world. These atua provide insight and guidance into all aspects of our lives – including tākaro (play). As the winter months come to an end, Play Aotearoa would like to share pūrākau related to Hine Takurua (also known as the star Sirius), the personification of winter, and offer insights into how we can honour this atua through play.

During the winter months, Tama-nui-te-rā, the personification of the Sun, resides with Hine Takurua in her realm. After the winter solstice, Tama-nui-te-rā begins his journey back to dwell with Hine Raumati, the personification of summer. Hine Takurua also has a close relationship with Tangaroa, the personification of the ocean. She sits above him and cares for his children – the fish.

As we experience the power of Hine Takuruaʻs nature in this time, we can acknowledge her presence and bring greater awareness to her essence. Here are some playful activities we can do with our tamariki and rangatahi to honour her:

  • Rangahau her whakapapa: search out, research, and investigate Hine Takurua’s genealogy – her children and connections to other atua.
  • Tiaki the natural world she oversees: identify the natural elements you see at this time and find ways to care and nurture those elements within your whānau (home), kura (school), hapori whānui (public, wider community), and taiao (natural world, environment).
  • Hononga with her environment: get outdoors and connect with Hine Takurua by observing – seeing, feeling, and hearing – the relationships of ngā atua.
  • Pūrākau with your whānau: sit around Mahuika (atua of fire) and tell stories of Hine Takurua that bring her wonder alive and stoke the imagination.
  • Mahi toi her essence: create and express art that shows the patterns, colours, and images you see in nature during the winter months. Bring Hine Takurua to life through your art!
  • Whai rawa from your environment: be resourceful in your play. Take a bag to the beach and gather different materials. Turn these items into sculptures, art, or other useful items to honour the winter months of Hine Takurua while also caring for the whenua (land).
  • Kākano in the mahi māra (garden): Hine Takurua is a nurturer of seeds in preparation for the stirring of life within. Prepare garden beds and seeds that will thrive by being planted in this time of the year.
  • Pito-mata potential: Hine Takurua can support the thriving of figurative seeds as well! This is a great time to nurture the seed of ideas and projects for the future.
Photo by Moana Wereta

Follow Tama-nui-te-rā as he leaves the house of Hine Takurua (winter) and makes his way to Hine Raumati (summer). Spend time celebrating and honouring Hine Takurua through play and all she has provided us in the winter months by observing the changes in the seasons, sharing her stories, creating tributes to her elemental forces, and planting the literal and figurative seeds for the coming months.

Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua.

As man disappears from sight, the land remains.
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